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Wenigsteiner Series and Parry-Series Four-Corners Echoes.
Starting 2014, all originals are published in the ChessProblems.
FIDE Album 2001-2003 endgame studies. FIDE Album 2001-2003 helpmates in 2. FIDE Album 2001-2003 helpmates over 2.
The TT5 Award was published on March 30, 2014 in the first issue of the ChessProblems.
Both sides can bring an extra man to bear on the. White would dominate the center if he were able. To centralize the a1 rook as well. He cannot entertain such ambitions. Nd7 20 Bf3 Re6 21 Be3 Rde8 22 Rfd1. Qc8 20 Rab1 Qc7 21 Ra1.
Through f2-f3, h2-h4-h5, Be3-h6, etc. Position is somewhat inferior thanks to the. If the c-file were half-open,. He would have enviable chances against. 9 Bg5 Nc6 10 Bb5 Bd7 11 Nf3 Be6 12 Rhe1. 9 Bg5 Nbd7 10 Bc4 Re8 11 Rhe1 Qe5 12 f4. 9 Bh6 Qe7 10 Bxg7 Kxg7 11 Qe3 Nxd4. 12 Rxd4 Be6 13 e5 dxe5. 9 f3 Ne5 10 h3 Re8 11 f4 Nc6. 9 f3 Qe7 10 Bh6 Bh8 11 Bg5 Qe5. 9 f3 Qe7 10 h4 Re8 11 h5 Nxd4. 12 Bxd4 Nxh5 13 Nd5.
At this juncture, 11 d4-d5 is not possible and. Following 11 d4xc5, both 11 . 11 Nxc5 are good for Black. The prospects of his g7 bishop. Cxd4 12 Bxd4 Nc5 13 a4 Rc8 14 Qg5.
The f8 bishop is imprisoned. B5 and d5 are weak. The King is poorly placed and unable to castle.
Seek the opportunity to play . Attempt to push the b-pawn to b5. To force White to clarify the center with d4-d5.